Sunday, January 5, 2014

Friday, January 3, 2014

I Got Up

I worked. I sat through meetings and reigned in my sarcasm by not sitting with Snellings.

I accomplished stuff.

Cody came by and we gossiped. One of his friends, my former student, is in the hospital possibly having her leg amputated.

Tam lost the cow suit. I don't understand our legal system at all.

I got home at 6:00 and the students aren't even back yet.

Daddy is coming early in the morning to deliver beef and is making me get up early to clean out the freezer for it. He's also going to fix several more things around the house. I'm grateful, but I really want to sleep late.

Sybil is coming for a visit tomorrow, though I told Ada I would be taking them to Christiansburg to get glasses. I hope I can figure out a way to pay for said glasses, but I'm scared that if I don't order them soon, Wyeth will run out of contacts.

It's cold. Really, really cold.

And the dog has really, really stinky gas. I'm sitting in a sauna of dog fart right now as I type.

I think I'm moving to another room. Good night.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Day Two, Take 36.

Wow, what an eventful day. Wyeth spent the night at Tam's so I took Lenora to school with me. She did quite well for about two hours and only started complaining right when my computer went completely wonky with grades. On the plus side, I was only an hour late turning them in.

Tam and I communicated poorly and she ended up dropping Wyeth off at the house instead of school like I thought she would do. Lenora had brought the phone with her, so he was home without a means of calling me for a little over an hour. I brought Lenora back and headed back to work.

As I was halfway through lunch, my darling boy texted me that he couldn't breathe. Several conversations later, he called me panicking and barely able to talk. I bailed on the work day, with permission of course ;) and raced home just in time to greet the housecleaner who had come over expressly to help Wyeth sort his room.

In the car on the way to Christiansburg to get the boy doctorized, he told me that he couldn't breathe and actually grabbed his throat with the choking gesture. I panicked a little. He wasn't blue, but he was really scaring me. We ended up at our local doctor's office after I called to ask if we could be seen. They rushed him straight back and he and I both breathed more easily, figuratively speaking, after they measured his blood-ox levels and it was 94%. Poor Wyeth was still wheezing.

Two hours, one xray, and a nebulizer treatment later and we were in the pharmacy spending $94 on an albuterol inhaler, a steroid inhaler, and a spacer for both. Yes, that was with insurance.

On the plus side, I got more chill out time than I anticipated tonight. On the downside, I'm going to have to work this weekend probably to be ready for my classes on Monday. At least my baby boy is okay, if snotty.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year? What's that?

Looking at a new year and realizing that I really miss writing. I'm not that interesting and I have no hope of readers because few people have a clue that I have a blog at all. The anonymity of the internet makes me want to journal. Therefore, I will endeavor to miss very few days recording the boring, wonderful moments that comprise my life.

Today, Lenora and I had a Charmed marathon. For the first half of it, she played Wizard101 while I tooled around on Webkinz. I watched R.I.P.D and Lenora joined me for the second half.

She's laying in the floor for just one more episode of Charmed right now, yelling, "Just for the record, I hate Phoebe's new do!"which is absolutely killing me with the inability to laugh since I hate her hair for season 6 too.

Tripping down memory lane is customary at New Year's and Charmed helps with that. I can't believe how many guest stars are now big stars on my other favorite shows for nowadays. Castiel, Crowley, and Sylar are the ones that pop into mind right off.

The best part of today was watching Goonies with Lenora. It was her first viewing and she watched it with interest. While I can't say that she loved it like I do, she really liked it.

The lack of necessity to be coherent is amusing me. I wonder how long I will keep this journaling up this time? At some point, I'm going to rant about the person who is currently making me crazy, but for now, I'm going to watch witches kick demon ass. Merry New Year!