When I got home, I finished decorating the cake for my seven-year-old daughter's Valentine's "snack time" (the word "party" is not allowed) tomorrow. Then I checked my facebook and uploaded pics of said cake. Next, I clicked and scrolled my way through my daily checkins on the websites to which I am addicted simply because of their mind-numbing awesomeness. Then I got up and found a marker so my daughter could address her Valentines.
Next, I got headphones and started watching Vampire Diaries on my laptop instead of the big screen so she and my ten-year-old son wouldn't have nightmares, but after only five minutes of the episode, daughter finished her shower and I had to go tuck her and the boy into bed. (On a completely unrelated note, my son made me tuck his covers in at the top of his bed so that he can sleep in a cocoon of sorts. His toes stick out the bottom, but this seems perfectly sane to me and I wish I had thought of it as a child since I could never feel secure enough from the monsters in the hallway.)
Once they were all snug in their beds, I resumed my adventures with hot, not-nearly-shirtless-enough vampires. After one episode, I realized that I was tired and should go to bed, but I simply couldn't. Something undefined was keeping me awake.
So I watched another episode.
When that ended, I unequivocally realized that another episode of Vampire Diaries had done nothing to alleviate this undefined need that was keeping me away from my lovely pillow and snuggly covers.
Searching for an answer to what was wrong with me, especially since insomnia is not one of my multitude of problems, I popped back onto my favorites page and noticed that the thumbnail for the Bloggess had updated since my earlier venture through my daily fixes.
I loaded it up and began to read. With a very small downward scroll, I discovered what my psyche needed to tell me so that I could finally give in to my exhaustion and sleep: a stuffed weasel.
I never would have suspected that this was what I needed so badly, but I am now dozing in and out as my fingers roam the keyboard. Thanks, Juanita. Sleep well, Jenny.